Saturday 28 April 2012

What Would I Change?

}During my process of my production I have developed many different key skills one of which was be able to use Photoshop More efficiently and I was able to edit them to my satisfaction however I did face the problem of my work being to simple and I wanted to have a different style to my background and I could chosen a better background colour. Another thing I would have done differently was my planning I would have planned using different types genre’s instead of just a few.  However I do believe having a certain flat background colour was good which enable me too bring out the different fonts in my image. Also it keeps convention by being simplistic. I would have also did more research in to similar media products that involved Jazz.

Friday 27 April 2012

what have I learned during the coursework

my media coursework was a chance to get familiar with certain programmes/software. I was already familiar with programmes like Microsoft presentation and excel but I wasn’t to keen on how to use photo shop but by doing this media coursework I was able to get to grips with this programme and now  I believe I am better at how to editing and manipulate text, images and adding different effects. During the beginning of this course we were instructed to make a preliminary task which was about one of our school magazines and a questionnaire of a student and during this I wasn't familiar with photo shop and was only able to edit an image to a certain extent  and I lack the basics. Media has also helped me in my analytical skills by analyzing different products I have found myself better then I was when I first started. I have also learned that lots of music magazine target audience is controlled and they know who they are going to sell there magazine to before the disturbed

Different types of media institution that might distrubute my media production

When coming about the product I felt as though could be published in shops or stores
And wanted my magazine to be distributed or seen as a big magazine company but I know gaining access to this distribution would not be easy and I would need to go about many different methods. But I intent by starting of in small local stores and trying to climb into bigger enterprises. One way of obtaining a good distribution is by getting a newsagent or and another magazine to have had you recommended in there production. Another way is by setting up a website in order to get others to view what about and help them to try and get involved with the magazine.

Sunday 18 March 2012
